In this Cyber & Interconnected space, Data Security is critical for today’s institutions. Data is the core of decision making & analytics in the New Normal. Business must protect it’s core competence with strong & adap-table Data & Cyber Security framework to sustain & survive in the future.
Join with us, in this two days cyber security websummit on:
Day 1 BRI eHall at Tuesday, 30 March 2021 and Day 2 ABDI eHall at Thursday 01 April 2021.

1-2 Full Days Summit and Appreciation

1000+ Summit Delegates and C-Levels

20+ Appreciation Awards on Data Security

20+ Keynote and Panelist Speaker

“BSSN sangat mendukung upaya ABDI bersama komunitas swasta lainnya, dalam memberikan informasi dan sharing knowledge terkait dengan keamanan siber sebagai bentuk sinerji atau kolaborasi dari semua pihak, dari kalangan akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah bisa diwujudukan melalui forum dan kegiatan seperti DataSecurAi 2020 ini.”
— Hinsa Siburian

On first DataSecurAi more than 20 speakers from local and global countries joining. Summit was held on 04 March 2020 at Merak Room JCC Senayan.
More than 250 attend the Summit last year. Profile by occupations and by business/industry sectors and Job Level of Attendee with more than 50 Companies, 10% Government Official; and 10% Owner; 30% IT Manager & Supervisor; 20% C-Level; 30% Lecture, Student & Others.
In this second DataSecureAi 2021 has more than 1000 pre-registered, and speaker agenda as listed.
Day 1 – BRI e-Hall Speaker and Panelist

Date: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 Time: 12:00 – 16:30 WIB.
Keynote Speaker/Speech: Letjen TNI (Purn) Hinsa Siburian (Kepala Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara(BSSN)), Dr. Ir. Indra Utoyo, M.Sc (Direktur Digital, Teknologi Informasi & Operasi Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.), Dr. Peng Chan (Charisma University-Turks & Caicos Island & GMG, USA)
Panel Discussion: Intan Rahayu, S.Si, MT. (Direktur IKPRIIKN BSSN), Shinta Indriyaty Thio, S.Kom, MBIS (VP Enterprise Data Management Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., Dr. Sinta D. Rosadi, SH. LLM. (Data Privacy Law & Head of Cyber Law Center UNPAD, Bandung), Triyono Gani, SE, MBA (Kepala Grup Inovasi Keuangan Digital Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)), Yoga Adrian Kaunang S.Kom, M.Kom (VP of Business Development ACER Cyber Security Inc)
Day 2 – ABDI e-Hall Speaker and Panelist

Date: Thursday, 01 April 2021 Time: 12:00 – 16:30 WIB.
Keynote Speaker/Speech: Laksdya TNI Dr. A. Octavian, ST, M.Sc, DESD (Rector of The Indonesian Defense University (UNHAN)), Dr. Ir. Hammam Riza, M.Sc, IPU, AER (Chairman BPPT), Ismamuradi Dato’ Hj Abdul Kadir, MBA (Head of Strategy Management Cyber Security Malaysia)
Panel Discussion: Fransiskus Indromojo (Senior Cyber Security & Compliance Consultant Microsoft APAC), Ginandjar (IT Services Director Lintasarta), Dr. Ir. Rizal Akbar, MM (VP IT Strategy and Governance Telkom Indonesia), Prof. Adi Prananto (Senior Lecturer Swinburne University of Technology), Feby Sallyanto Chief Enterprise & SME Officer PT XL Axiata)
Rundown agenda for two days DataSecurAi 2021 event on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 and Thursday, 01 April 2021. This agenda still going on updated.


On behalf and permission of the author and panelist Websummit Day 1 and Day 2 , if you like to collect the presentation, please scan this QR code below to download: