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Cyber threats are increasing affecting any business, public sector and country. All can be target. No one is immune or trusted provide challange to cyber security and privacy protection for data controller and global collaboration among supply chain stakeholders. The challenge of taking a zero trust across corporate culture and cross border with defense in depth approach to cyber security for maximize digital transformation.

Cyber attack, data fraud and breach are among top 10 global risk now. Cyber security can be addressed through public private partnership thru national and international collaboration with the G20.

How Cyber Security framework help us to sustain & survive in the future. Join with us, in this three days cyber security websummit on:

Day 1 – Tuesday, 29 March 2022 | Day 2 – Wednesday, 30 March 2022 | Day 3 – Thursday, 31 March 2022

1-3 Full Days Online Web Summit

500+ Summit Delegates and C-Levels

1 Book Launching on Data Security

30+ Keynote and Panelist Speaker

“BSSN sangat mendukung upaya ABDI bersama komunitas swasta lainnya, dalam memberikan informasi dan sharing knowledge terkait dengan keamanan siber sebagai bentuk sinerji atau kolaborasi dari semua pihak, dari kalangan akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah bisa diwujudukan melalui forum dan kegiatan seperti DataSecurAi ini.”

— Hinsa Siburian


On first DataSecurAi more than 20 speakers from local and global countries joining. Summit was held on 04 March 2020 at Merak Room JCC Senayan. More than 250 attend the Summit last year. Profile by occupations and by business/industry sectors and Job Level of Attendee with more than 50 Companies, 10% Government Official; and 10% Owner30% IT Manager & Supervisor; 20% C-Level; 30% Lecture, Student & Others.

In this 3rd DataSecureAi 2022, will joint with us top figure, minister and CEO as Keynote: Bambang Soesatyo, SE., MBA. (Ketua MPR RI), Dr. (HC) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto. M.B.A., M.M.T. (Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian RI), Letjen TNI (Purn) Hinsa Siburian (Kepala Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara – BSSN), Johnny G. Plate, SE. (Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika RI), Prof. Bambang PS Brodjonegoro (Lead Co-Chair Think 20 (T20) G20), Mr. Jacky Chen (CEO Huawei Indonesia), Mira Tayyiba, M.Sc. (Chair DEWG G20/Sekjen Kominfo), Andi Widjajanto (Gubernur Lemhanas), Laksdya TNI Prof. Dr. Amarulla Octavian, MSc. (Rektor UNHAN RI), Wimboh Santoso, SE., MSc., PhD. (Ketua Dewan Komisioner OJK), Dr. Ir. Ismail, MT. (Director General of SDPPI KOMINFO RI), Dr. Indra Utoyo MSc. (Head of Operations, Technology & Regulatory Reporting Perbanas), Arga M. Nugraha, M.Sc. (Direktur Digital dan Tekonologi Informasi BRI), Dr. Rudi Rusdiah (ABDI Chairman), Jon Teo (Data Governance & Privacy Domain Expert, APJ, Informatica) and Danny Tanoto (Data Solutions Consultant, Synnex Metrodata Indonesia). Vincent Oh (Channels Director Asia Pacific Japan, Delinea), Kharisma (CCO Telkom International).


This websummit also provide the top speaker to share their knowledge about cyber security in related with their private sector. More than 1000 pre-registered in this 3rd DataSecureAi 2022, and speaker agenda as listed.

Day 1 – Speaker and Panelist

Date: Tuesday, 29 March 2022 Time: 13:00 – 16:30 WIB.

Ministerial Keynote: Dr. (HC) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto. M.B.A., M.M.T. (Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian RI), Letjen TNI (Purn) Hinsa Siburian (Kepala Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara – BSSN).

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Jacky Chen (CEO Huawei Indonesia), Mira Tayyiba, M.Sc. (Chair DEWG G20/Sekjen Kominfo), Jon Teo (Data Governance & Privacy Domain Expert, APJ, Informatica) and Danny Tanoto (Data Solutions Consultant, Synnex Metrodata Indonesia).

Panel Discussion: Ryan Renaldy (Country Division Lead OEM and Edge Solutions Dell Technologies Indonesia), Rudy Sumadi (Head of Commercial, Acer Indonesia), Dr. Charles Lim, BSc., MSc., CTIA, CHFI, EDRP, ECSA, ECSP, ECIH, CEH, CEI (Senior Technical Advisor, Acer Cyber Security Inc), Thomas Lahey (Head of Enterprise Security of BCA), Jurgen Visser (Head of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), Gojek/GoToFinancial), Semuel Samson, M.Si. (Moderator)

Day 2 – Speaker and Panelist

Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 Time: 13:00 – 16:30 WIB.

Ministerial Keynote: Bambang Soesatyo, SE, MBA. (Ketua MPR RI).

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Bambang PS Brodjonegoro (Lead Co-Chair Think 20 (T20) G20), Wimboh Santoso, SE., MSc., PhD. (Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OJK), Arga M. Nugraha, M.Sc. (Director of Digital and Information Technology of BRI), Vincent Oh (Channels Director Asia Pacific Japan, Delinea).

Panel Discussion: Brigjen TNI Dominggus Pakel (Kapusdatik BSSN), Rudy Sumadi (Head of Commercial, Acer Indonesia), Dr. Charles Lim, BSc., MSc., CTIA, CHFI, EDRP, ECSA, ECSP, ECIH, CEH, CEI (Senior Technical Advisor, Acer Cyber Security Inc), Gabriel Diana Sanjoto (Director of Aksata E-KYC Solutions), Heru Sutadi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Moderator).

Day 3 – Speaker and Panelist

Date: Thursday, 31 March 2022 Time: 13:00 – 15:30 WIB.

Ministerial Keynote: Johnny G. Plate, SE. (Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika RI), Dr. Ir. Ismail, MT. (Director General of SDPPI KOMINFO RI).

Keynote Speaker: Andi Widjajanto (Gubernur Lemhanas), Laksdya TNI Prof. Dr. Amarulla Octavian, M.Sc. (Chancellor of the Defense University of RI), Dr. Indra Utoyo MSc. (Head of Operations, Technology & Regulatory Reporting Perbanas), Kharisma (CCO Teklom International (TELIN)).

Speaker: Brigjen TNI Ferdinand Mahulette (Direktur Operasi dan Keamanan Siber BSSN), Syarbeni (Cyber Security & Privacy Protection Officer Huawei Indonesia), Dave A. Fikarno, ME (Komisi 1 DPR/Ketum Kosgoro 1957), Dr. K K Soundra Pandian (Scientist, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), O/o CCA, New Delhi-India), Prof.Dr. Adi Prananto (Senior Lecturer, Information Systems, Swinburne University of Technology Australia).


Rundown agenda for three days DataSecurAi 2022 event on:
Tuesday, 29 March 2022 | Wednesday, 30 March 2022 | Thursday, 31 March 2022.
This agenda still going on updated.